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Projekte & Referenzen

New Business Development

Business-, Marken & Produktlaunch von Locals Best.Business


Marken- & Produktlaunch von stagenet: IP made simple

WIX Personal Branding Sites

Methodical brand positioning & development

Brand Vision Summit Brand Club Austria

"Authenticity in brand management: what is behind this buzzword and what does it mean for daily practice?" (German only)

Gregor Jasch

Mit der bewährten Creative Effectiveness Methode entwickeln wir gemeinsam besonders kreative und effektive Ideen für Marketing und Kommunikation.

Using the proven Creative Effectiveness method, we get all stakeholders on board and define the jumping-off point for idea development. We analyze the target group(s), our products and services, the status quo of our brand as well as the differentiation from the competition.

Teamwork: Get everyone on board!


We define the jumping-off point for idea generation: In doing so, we place only one, jointly agreed, statement in the pole position of our messages, for the methodical process of further idea development.

Idea/Campaign Development


Using the Creative Effectiveness method, we develop the campaign idea, which is not only particularly creative, but also extremely effective.  Then we realize this idea in the required media formats together with internal and external partners in teamwork.

Idea/Campaign Execution


Development Creative Strategy

Angebote für Personen- und Kleinunternehmen

Wir entwickeln einen Plan und begleiten dich, damit deine Geschäftsidee erfolgreich wird.

Erfolgscoaching & Strategie


Wir entwickeln dich zur Marke und schaffen das nötige Content-Fundament für dein Online-Business.

Marke, Story & Personal Branding


Erzähle deine Story auf YouTube in einem Interview und vergrößere deine Online-Reichweite.

YouTube Interview Clips


Als WIX.Coach schaffen wir alle nötigen technischen Voraussetzungen für dein erfolgreiches Online-Business.

WIX-Webseiten & Online Marketing


Angebote für B2B-Unternehmen

Mit der bewährten Creative Effectiveness Methode holen wir alle Stakeholder ins Boot und entwickeln die Strategie.

B2B-Entwicklung Creative Strategy


Wir entwickeln gemeinsam die Ausrichtung von Marke und Werten sowie das Fundament für das Storytelling.

B2B-Marke & Positionierung


Wir beschleunigen die B2B-Auftragsklärung mit international ausgezeichneten Unternehmensfilmen.

B2B-Storytelling Imagefilme


Mit dem neuen Editor WIX-Studio entwickeln wir 100% responsive Firmen-Webseiten sowie das benötigte SEO.

WIX-Corporate Webseiten


"Brands are just people too!", and the clearer the idea of our intended brand personality, the more effectively the brand will also develop trust and distinctiveness.

Development of the brand personality


Together, we create a building set of brand messages with modular text modules for daily practice for all touchpoints of the customer journey.

Pyramid of communication


We jointly determine our catalog of values. This serves as a guideline for our thoughts and actions and provides orientation for all stakeholders in everyday life.

Values provide orientation


For successful brand management, we create all guidelines and templates in the required electronic formats as well as templates and as well as training and brand monitoring.

Successful brand management


Brand development and positioning

Our services

Small & Medium sized Enterprises

B2B Enterprises & Hidden Champions

Let's get to know each other!

Zoom Video-Call

15 Minutes

Book a videocall online now!

Gregor Jash

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